Frequently Asked Questions
What is Primero and CPIMS+?
Primero (the Protection Related Information Management System) is an open source, browser-based application that supports protection programs by providing secure case management, family tracing and reunification (FTR), and incident monitoring capabilities. This software platform supports several independent modules such as the CPIMS+ and the GBVIMS+ (Gender Based Violence IMS). Different functionalities are included in different modules. For example, FTR is only available in the CPIMS+.
How does the CPIMS+ promote confidentiality?
The CPIMS+/Primero utilizes role-based access, so you can carefully define which users can see specific data and perform specific actions. For more information on how roles are configured, see the Primero Administration and Configuration Guide.
How can I access the CPIMS+?
For humanitarian contexts, the CPIMS Steering Committee provides strategic oversight for the CPIMS project and can be contacted through the CPIMS Inter-Agency Coordinator. For humanitarian and non-humanitarian contexts, please contact childprotectioninnovation@gmail.com.
Can anyone use the CPIMS+?
Yes, with some conditions. CPIMS+ application usage is governed by the GNU Affero GPL 3 license. Please read it carefully and understand your obligations. While the CPIMS+ is envisioned as a digital public good, only organizations that have followed the prescribed best practice process and which meet the safety and sustainability criteria will receive access to the custom CPIMS+ configuration bundle. The source code is freely available, as is the documentation you need to configure the system yourself. Access to the global production support and maintenance contract is limited to organizations that have engaged with the CPIMS Steering Committee. There are serious implications for child safety when using the CPIMS+ or any digital tool that collects and compiles sensitive data about individuals. As such, CPIMS+ reserves the right to determine the organizations and programmes it will provide direct support to, in line with its commitment to serve the public good and adhere to its open source license.
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