- Acronyms & GlossaryHere are some frequently used terms that we use.
Access: Authorization and clearance to interact with a system.
Architecture: A description of how the different pieces of a technology and/or information system work together.
Cloud Infrastructure Platforms: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Linode and 1on1 (A cloud is an online location to store and access data that is not contingent on in-country servers or hard drives)
Components: Application functionality is defined by Primero Components. The current implemented Primero Components are 1) Cases, which track an individual child, 2) Incidents, which log point-in-time events that occur to individuals, and 3) Tracing Requests, which describe an attempt to trace, locate and reunify separated children.
Deployment: The act of applying a new version and associated configurations to all instances of Primero in the same implementation area, combined with training, area-specific role and user setup, data migrations, and general support.
Domain Name System (DNS): The Internet's system for converting alphabetic names into numeric IP addresses. For example, when a Web address (URL) is typed into a browser, DNS servers return the IP address of the Web server associated with that name.
End-users: Case workers or authorized CM Staff who interact directly with the technology.
Fields: A Field is an individual piece of information within a record. Fields are things like name, age, date of birth. Sometimes one field can be used to store several values like a list of protection concerns or all the languages spoken. Fields come in a handful of types: ie. Text, Text Area, Check Boxes and Tick Box, Select Drop Down, Radio Buttons, Numeric Values, Dates
Forms: A Form groups a set of fields for a record. By configuring the Primero application, you can specify new fields on a form, reorder the fields, or allow different forms to share the same field. For example, the standard form and field set for a child protection case has a form called “Protection Concerns” which has a multi-select field listing the protection concerns. Further down the form list, there appears a form called “Protection Concern Details” which contains the same list (for reference) and an ability to elaborate on each protection concern with an additional set of fields. This narrows the information in each form and allows the form to be targeted to a particular purpose or a step in the case management workflow.
Form Subform: Within a form there are two additional form sections that can be created and used for different purposes. The first, the Subform, is a section of a form where a user can repeat form data for additional instances where that case is needed to document nearly identical data for various visits, services, follow ups, etc.
Form Separator: The second, a Separator, becomes a new section within the form. An example is within a closure form, there is the "Address of the child during the case closure” section. This is not a sub-form because typically a case will only be closed once.
Form Groups: A Form Group is how Primero groups forms into similar information (example: Registration form). You set what form group each individual form belongs to on creation or edit. This allows for the form navigation panel to be organized in concise, navigable, groupings to keep the panel shorter and easier to use. When multiple forms are added to a group, it becomes expandable/ collapsible and should be grouped accordingly. For example, Identity/Registration form group includes all forms specific to the identity (Basic Identity, Protection Concerns) and registration (Interview Details) of a case.
Go-Live: Instance of the system that has real-data and is used by Primero/CPIMS+ users for real case records. Also known as "production" and "live".
Hardware: Any physical device that people are able to touch, such as a mobile handset, tablet, sensor or computer monitor.
Instance: A single environment in which Primero has been distributed.
Live: Instance of the system that has real-data and is used by Primero/CPIMS+ users for real case records. See production and go-live.
Local Installer: A local installer describes a deployment to a machine that can run without internet connection. This is laptop-based at this time, but future functionality may include mobile devices.
Modules: Many aspects of component functionality are configurable. This configuration is performed through Modules. Modules represent how the system will be used. Out of the box, Primero contains two Modules: 1) Child Protection (CP): The module represents case management needed around child protection. This includes the use of the tracing request component to aid FTR. 2) Gender Based Violence (GBV): Tracks incidents related to GBV. Out of the box, it uses the case management component to aid GBV service providers. Modules will specify what components will be available, and specify what Forms will be associated to those Components.
Production: Instance of the system that has real-data and is used by Primero/CPIMS+ users for real case records. See production and live.
Programs: Modules belong to Programs which represent a set of features (CPIMS, GBVIMS, etc.) for the application. An example of a program is child protection work within certain zones of a particular refugee camp. Application functionality cannot be configured within a program. The program merely provides descriptive information about the application’s mission.
Records: A Record describes an individual piece of data. The three permitted Record types are Cases, Incidents, and Tracing Requests.
Roles: Users will have Roles, which define what particular users are allowed to do: read records, modify records, run reports, configure the system. Examples of roles are CP Case Worker, CP Manager, Deployment Manager (IT Resource). Along with defining what actions the user is allowed to perform, roles also limit what kind of information is visible about individual records for a specific user. For example, a GBV Social Worker may be allowed to view and edit personally identifiable information (such as name, age, and sex) about a particular client, while a GBV Manager will only see a reduced set of information about that same person (age and sex, but not the name), and will not be allowed to edit any of it. The general term for these limits to what the user can do and what a user can see is Authorization.
Secure Socket Shell (SSH): Network protocol that provides administrators with a secure way to access a remote computer.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL): Standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser.
Security: Security is the practice of securing your data from third-parties and can be done using various hardware and software. In this guidance document we will walk through the most common tools and processes. Learn more about Primero Security here.
Software: A set of code and instructions that can be installed onto hardware. Examples of software include mobile phone applications, client and server-side platforms, and computer and mobile-device operating systems.
Transport Layer Security (TSL): Protocol that provides communication security between client and server applications that communicate with each other over the internet.
Users: Application Users represent people who interact with the system. Users log in, view and modify the information contained in Primero. Some examples of users are case workers, data clerks, or managers. Superuser - site administrator, has access to all functionality and records.
User Groups: represent teams of users working together. For example we may have a team of social workers in a particular refugee camp providing services to children. We may have another team responsible for the child’s best interest determination. A manager of a user group will have some level of access, as defined by the user’s role, to all of the data managed by that group, but not to the data managed by a different group.
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