CPIMS+ Rollout Guidelines
These easy-to-use guidelines are designed to help teams understand and prepare for a CPIMS+ rollout. They are intended for child protection case management, information management, and technical support staff during the initiation of a CPIMS+ implementation. Read them carefully before you get started.
These steps and tools cover government-led and inter-agency-led rollouts in both humanitarian and development settings. They can be modified to meet the needs of your context. The CPIMS+ and these guidelines are aligned with the Child Protection Minimum Standards and Inter agency Case Management Guidelines.
There are 4 phases of the Rollout Guidelines for CPIMS+ Assessment & Preparation, Planning, Implementation and Support & Maintenance.
In the Assessment & Preparation phase you will learn about CPIMS+ and determine if it is appropriate for your context. The Planning phase focuses on creating an end-to-end implementation plan where you set objectives, roles and responsibilities. During the Implementation phase the CPIMS+ is configured and deployed. In the Support & Maintenance phase, the CPIMS+ is live and we support users and provide on-going maintenance.
Let's get started!
Phase 1: Assessment & Preparation
Learn about CPIMS+ and prerequisites and determine if it is appropriate for your context.
Getting Started
Determine your needs and let's work together to ensure CPIMS+ can meet those needs.
Watch the Primero & CPIMS+ demo video and try it out for yourself here!
Review: The CPIMS+ standard presentation
Contact us. We will provide you with information on the software and answer questions you may have to rollout the CPIMS+.
Phase 1: Assessment & Preparation
Step 1: Confirm working groups
Step 2: Confirm case management, IM4CM processes, SOPs and referral pathways
Step 3: Confirm case management forms
Step 5: Data Protection Impact Assessment
Step 6: Data Protection & Information Sharing Protocol
Additional Resources:
Inter Agency Guidelines for Case Management & Child Protection
Primero Development Process video
Security considerations, functional security, platform security and process
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