Phase 1: Assessment & Preparation
Determine the breadth and scope of the
implementation and resource as required.
Before you begin, please keep in mind that CPIMS+ is just one tool in the larger Case Management and Child Protection Information Management System and is not case management itself. CPIMS+ requires a solid case management foundation. The CPIMS+ cannot replace or substitute good protection programing and case magement practice. CPIMS+ represents an opportunity to strengthen case management with the use of information management technology and add value to programmes. This means that to deploy the CPIMS+, it is important to have a case management system in place or in development. Clear planning is required to ensure that child protection staff are well trained on case management before beginning to use the CPIMS+. The system reflects SOPs, workflows, data protection and information sharing practices and paper forms that partners have in place. Therefore, ensuring these are coordinated and agreed upon is a the first step before the CPIMS+ rollout is initiated.
STEP 1: Confirm your working group(s).
This step is critical in ensuring there is clearly defined coordination body who are involved and aware of the rollout. The in-country (inter-agency) Child Protection team is responsible for creating sub-working groups for guidance, supporting knowledge exchange of best practices and lessons learned. CP AoR or Case Management Task Force often lead humanitarian interagency rollouts with agencies participating in the system implementation. Here is a sample Terms of Reference to ensure accountability, collaboration, clarify partner expectations and mandate.
Key points:
- Ensure social service workforce has strong case management foundations to ensure CPIMS+ is successful. Refer to the IA training package for case management in humanitarian settings for case management teams who need training.
- For refugee settings, it is important to coordinate with UNHCR. For single-agency rollouts, it is important to coordinate with all providers of case management services in the context.
- Ensure there are dedicated focal points focused on capacity building. A capacity building plan which includes case management and IMS training should be designed based on the needs and capacities in country. The IMS training should be planned once the core case management training is delivered.
STEP 2: Confirm case management, information management for case management (IM4CM) processes, standard operating procedures and referral pathways.
CPIMS+ requires a strong case management foundation and case management and data protection measures should be in place before rolling out CPIMS+. SOPs for case management are a minimum requirement for a successful implementation. Assess current case management procedures and refine as necessary to include working with an IMS. SOPs should be reviewed by all stakeholders to ensure harmonization of tools and related capacity building. Standard CP CM SOP have been created by the Global Case Management Task Force (CMTF) including guidance on how to further develop and implement SOPs. Agreement on the SOPs is key as the CPIMS+ features and functionalities will be aligned to the SOPs.
STEP 3: Confirm case management forms.
All child protection actors must agree on the forms to be used in the case management process. The Global Case Management Task Force has revised the Case Management Inter Agency Forms, which are configured in CPIMS+ and can be adapted as needed. Keep in mind that paper forms may differ when configured in the CPIMS+ to improve usability.
STEP 4: Determine what resources you have.
Map out the resources needed to implement CPIMS+ including human resources, capacity building and costs associated with hosting and deploying the CPIMS+. This budget includes both case management and CPIMS+ costs. Determine where the funding will come from and agree on the support and operational costs and ensure there is a coordinated vision on sustainability.
The System Administrator is a required role for the CPIMS+ and this authorized user will help maintain the CPIMS+ by troubleshooting system issues, managing users, and managing the configuration as programming needs change. The System Administrator is hired by any CPIMS+ lead government partner/implementing agency. Sample TORs for System Administrators have been drafted if you need to recruit for this role.
STEP 5: Complete the Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA).
Data protection and confidentiality are central to the CPIMS+ mission. The purpose of the DPIA is to identify, evaluate, and address the risks to children arising from managing sensitive case data at agency and inter agency levels. It is a tool developed to ensure good information management practices for actors using all IMS systems, not only CPIMS+. Refer to the Guidance on Data Protection and Information Sharing which includes guidance on when and how a DPIA should be conducted. For government-only rollouts, a DPIA is not required.
STEP 6: Confirm the Data Protection Protocol & Information Sharing Protocol (DPP-ISP).
For any IMS, not only CPIMS+, all data sharing requests should be clearly outlined in the Data Protection Information Sharing Protocol. All child protection actors are required to agree and sign a DPISP defining what information about the children can be shared, when and with whom. The DPISP will also serve as a guide to establish and assess what information to collect; how the information will be used; and how the information will be stored. It is essential for all personal and case-related information to be protected for the safety and confidentiality of the children and families that Child Protection actors collect data from. For government rollouts, national data protection legislation governs the data security and sharing processes.
STEP 7: Complete the assessment survey.
The leading agency coordinator will complete the programmatic and technical assessment survey (provided by the Primero or CPIMS+ team) on behalf of the participating agencies and conduct bilateral meetings on readiness to better understand needs, caseload, and processes. This assessment helps the Primero and CPIMS+ team in understand the programme and provides insight on what is needed for a successful implementation.
STEP 8: Sign the Terms of Use
Terms of Use (ToU) has been developed by the Primero Board and inter agency partners. It prioritizes data subject's rights, data controllers' duties and obligations, data processors' duties and obligations, and limitations of liability. It is an agreement signed by the relevant authority in each user organization at programme level. The Terms of Use constitute the agreement between authorized users’ and access to and use of the CPIMS+. Rights and responsibilities which users must agree to use the system or software; it effectively forms a contract between the agency/agencies implementing Primero (ie. UNICEF, UNFPA, CSO partners, government partners etc.) and the user organization(s).
The ToU makes reference to the implementation plan, information sharing protocol and governance structure. This includes definitions of key words, access to the information, user rights and responsibilities, managing users, limitation of liability, correct behavior and actions that may be taken against the user if terms are broken, user notifications if terms are modified. The ToU is required for UNICEF-hosted implementations. If Primero is required to be locally-hosted or in a partner data center, a ToU will be drafted between the partners involved. For government rollouts, the government partner will sign an agreement in lieu of the ToU.
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