For every child in Sudan, a better system of protection and care
Slow and steady wins the race. Comprehensively strengthening a national child protection system does not happen overnight. It takes time, dedication and collaboration. It is a daunting task; developing procedures and standards; convening and coordinating teams across the country; and training the staff and volunteers who work on the frontlines. It's also a strategic investment in the future of the country.
The National Council on Child Welfare (NCCW) and the Ministry of Social Development in Sudan - with the support of UNICEF Sudan and a broad range of national and international actors - are celebrating the go-live of the CPIMS+ this month. This is the hard-earned outcome of an 18-month process involving dozens of national civil society and child protection organizations. On it's own, we know that no technology can improve access and quality of service provision. But when combined with a committed team and a clear vision, it can play a critical role in delivering integrated programming.

This launch is a significant milestone for child protection programming in Sudan... this is a huge step to building a child protection system that is accountable to child survivors of abuse, exploitation and neglect
Mandeep O'Brien, UNICEF Representative in Sudan

More than 20 partners across Sudan, consisting of UN agencies, international NGOs and local NGOs, have now been onboarded to the CPIMS+. This translates to 268 users covering 10 states with an estimated caseload of 35,000 children at risk in Sudan. The Primero platform will help social workers in Sudan register and monitor cases as well as store and share protection-related data for planning, programming and advocacy. Primero v2 has improved supervision features so that more experienced case workers can mentor and support others. It will also help connect them to each other, as a unified social services safety net for the country.
The vision is ambitious. It's a long term process. Working together for a common purpose, supported by a shared digital platform, the child protection network in Sudan will be stronger that ever and ready to serve the country's neediest children.
Congratulations to ALL of our partners
- global, national and local -
for a job well done!