New purpose, new prospects, new Plan!
Great news for the CPIMS+ community... We are pleased to welcome a new member to our Steering Committee: Plan International.
Founded in 1937, Plan International has become one of the leading development and humanitarian organizations working in the Child Protection sector. Plan International strive for a just world, working together with children and young people. There programmes include a strong focus on advocacy and the rights of the girl child, and they are active members of the Case Management Task Force of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action.
Plan International has been engaged in several CPIMS+ rollouts in recent years, bringing their wealth of experience and technology for development (T4D) capacity to the digital case management work stream. Both as CPIMS+ users and implementing partners, their engagement and contributions have been essential to the planning, testing and deployment of the system in several countries including Ethiopia, Niger and Tanzania. And there are more rollouts on the horizon in 2020.

As a part of the CPIMS Steering Committee's strategy for scale, Plan International officially joined in October 2019 to support and better coordinate the work done around the deployment and development of the software. This is an exciting time to come on board, as the development of the new version of CPIMS+ (Primero v2) is now in full swing and will be launched in early 2020. Plan will support the Steering Committee to ensure that the new CPIMS+ responds to user's needs and that the solution is part of a comprehensive approach to strengthening case management.
"With child protection case management, no single organization can deliver everything that vulnerable children need. We can't work in isolation. We need to build strong partnerships."
The better we coordinate, the more effective our interventions will be. The more coherent our data management practices, the more we can maximize our impact while mitigating risks and doing no harm. With child protection case management, no single organization can deliver everything that vulnerable children need. We can't work in isolation. We need to build strong partnerships. We believe that welcoming new members will lead to better quality programming and better results for children.

Plan and the CPIMS+ Steering Committee
Setting the strategic vision of the CPIMS+, the CPIMS Steering Committee brings together some of the world's most experienced and dedicated child protection organizations around a common approach and digital system. The members of the Steering Committee - International Rescue Committee (IRC), Save the Children (SCI), UNICEF, Terre des Hommes (Lausanne), UNHCR, CP AoR and now Plan International - work together to define best practice and promote the use of the CPIMS+ in humanitarian and early recovery settings. The CPIMS+ Steering Committee does this with the aim of improving case management information management to facilitate and inform child protection prevention and response programming. It oversees all that is essential to ensuring the appropriate use, management and sustainability of the CPIMS+. Open governance and shared purpose make this possible.
Each organization brings specific strengths and capacities to this body, helping us provide overall guidance, support and decision-making that reflects the needs and demands of our diverse group of stakeholders. With Plan International, the CPIMS Steering Committee is bringing on a organization with demonstrated commitment to quality, rights based programming.
Once again, welcome Plan International!
Delivering better together. This is our commitment.