Child Protection actors are providing guidance to support the global response to the coronavirus
The implications of COVID-19 on already vulnerable groups will be far reaching and complex. A number of global protection actors are stepping up and providing timely information and guidance on how to manage the response.
Child Protection Case Management (CP CM) is part of the essential social services that should not be impeded suddenly but that require gradual adaptation to the new emergency (see Standard 18 on Case Management in the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, 2019 edition). With many schools and childcare facilities closed and crowded living spaces where families are confined, children are at heightened risk for abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Other children may be separated from their families for multiple reasons associated with COVID-19, including public health containment measures. As these risks are often hidden and out of sight within communities, it can be difficult to identify vulnerable children without visits or other forms of follow-up by caseworkers. Thus, continued support for the most urgent cases within the existing caseload must be available through adapted measures, along with appropriate responses for new child protection risks and concerns generated by the pandemic.
Visit the website of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action to access new materials including:
- a Technical Note on the Protection of Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic, available in 18 languages (updated on regular basis);
- a Briefing Note on the Protection of Children During Infectious Disease Outbreaks;
- Advocacy Messages for Child Protection Actors: Prioritizing Child Protection in COVID-19 Response Plans;
- Review the updated and curated resources provided by the Child Protection Area of Responsibility here.
- links to upcoming (and recorded) webinars, including:
- Adapting Child Protection Case Management to the COVID-19 context; Recording available here; Guidance note will be soon available;
- Child Welfare and Pandemics: What We Know and What We Can Do;
- COVID-19 and children deprived of their liberty;
- Protection of children during the COVID-19 pandemic: children and alternative care
New guidance for the CPIMS+ and COVID-19
“... During COVID-19, most of the work is related to management, so if there was no CPIMS+ the management would be very difficult because before using the system we used paper forms... Currently, the case workers conduct their follow ups through phone and directly enter information into the system. Also, access to information on cases became easier for the case workers and supervisors. For example, at Save the Children, we conduct one-to-one meetings with case workers through Skype. Without CPIMS+ it would be difficult because we wouldn’t have access to details of the cases. CPIMS+ also helps us submit reports as we always have access to all the information. CPIMS+ helps us analyse the situation, and through the system we can easily know the impact of COVID-19 on our beneficiaries.”
From Mohammed Khoursheed, CPIMS+ National System administrator and Senior Case Management Officer with Save the Children, Dohuk, Iraq.
To complement the April 2020 "COVID-19 Child Protection Case Management Guidance" developed by the global Case Management Task Force (CMTF), the CPIMS Steering Committee developed a note aiming at providing practical support to case management service providers on how to adapt the use of CPIMS+ in their response in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This guidance note - CPIMS+ and the COVID-19 Pandemic - focuses on the use of Primero/CPIMS+. In the guidance you will find easy to follow steps and videos that will support you in adjusting your response on using CPIMS+ during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A video on adjusting Protection Concerns was also developed to support National System Administrators in making the changes needed.
"During COVID-19 response, South Sudan benefited from the use of CPIMS+. CPIMS+ has improved the service delivery where information can be shared within partners electronically and immediate/quick service is provided to the child. Protection concerns categories have been changed to capture the response provided in regard to COVID-19 adding “Critical Medical conditions (COVID-19, EVD and other infectious diseases)” in the dropdown menu. Using CPIMS+ helps us in flagging all cases that are overdue and ensure that instant action is taken by case workers. Supervisors can monitor the performance of case workers and even flag cases that are overdue that need case workers to work on. It’s also possible for supervisors to flag cases that have critical information missing which forces the case workers to go back and fill in necessary details. Supervisors can remotely assign caseworkers cases that need to be prioritized. Supervisors can also approve... cases remotely. It has a big impact on ensuring remote qualitative supervision."
From Philip Kipruto, CPIMS+ National System administrator and Child Protection Information Systems Manager with Save the Children, South Sudan.
Don't hesitate to reach out the CPIMS global team if you need further support!
We stand in solidarity with the people of the world.