Child Protection Information Management System
The CPIMS+ is a module of Primero, a modern web-based platform.
The CPIMS+ is designed to facilitate case management for vulnerable children. It is a key component in child protection systems strengthening in humanitarian and development settings, with a proven track record of assisting programs in delivering quality care to vulnerable children and their families.
The CPIMS+ is supported by a global Steering Committee led by UNICEF, Save the Children, the International Rescue Committee, Terre des Hommes (Lausanne), the Child Protection Area of Responsibility of the Global Protection Cluster, Plan International, and UNHCR. Together, they support national and local organizations to implement the CPIMS+.
© UNICEF / UNI42164 / Estey
Case Management
The CPIMS+ helps strengthen case management through modern information management technology. The system can be easily configured to reflect different SOPs, roles, and programmes in any language. The CPIMS+ offers intuitive digital forms and clear workflows to assist with documenting case management processes, from identification and registration, to assessment, case planning, referrals, tracking service provision, and case closure.
Family Tracing and Reunification
CPIMS+ uses sophisticated matching technology to pair tracing requests made by caregivers with records of children registered as missing, separated or unaccompanied. Matching criteria can be configured to meet the needs of the context. These FTR features are backstopped by a complete case management module to ensure that children receive appropriate care.
Online and Offline availability
CPIMS+ is for case workers on-the-go. It is a full-featured progressive web application that works online and offline. If a connection drops, case workers don't need to worry about data loss or accessing their records. The CPIMS+ works in all modern browsers and on any type of device (mobile, tablet, laptop).
Designed with and developed for child protection case workers and social services providers
Where we are working
The CPIMS+ is being used at global scale in dozens of countries by thousands of case workers, supervisors, programme managers and monitoring specialist. Hover over the map to tour our global coverage. There are many new CPIMS+ rollouts ongoing. Check back often to see our latest deployments.
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