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Taking the initiative in China

CPIMS+ goes live in 6 provinces

March 7, 2025

In collaboration with the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the China Center for Children's Welfare and Adoption (CCCWA), UNICEF China is helping to strengthen child protection system at county level through the Integrated Child Protection Model (ICPM) project. In September 2024, the China team launched the CPIMS+/Primero system across 11 counties in six provinces as part of the ICPM project. By December 2024, the initiative had significantly enhanced case management for over 1,300 child protection cases.

With strong government support, CPIMS+/Primero is poised to expand to additional counties in 2025, further strengthening child protection services and fostering collaboration across departments. This launch represents a significant milestone in ensuring no vulnerable child is left behind, highlighting how digital innovation can strengthen child protection systems.